Dartmouth Events

"Archaeal and Bacterial Tetraether Lipids as Paleoclimate Proxies"

Two-part seminar featuring Organic Biogeochemists, Professor Ann Pearson (Harvard) and Professor Sebastian Kopf (CU Boulder).

Wednesday, August 11, 2021
2:00pm – 3:30pm
Steele 006
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Lectures & Seminars

Dartmouth Society of Fellows and Earth Sciences present:  “Archaeal and bacterial tetraether lipids as paleoclimate proxies”
by Prof. Ann Pearson (Harvard University) and Prof. Sebastian Kopf (CU Boulder)

Join us for a two-part seminar featuring organic biogeochemists, Prof. Ann Pearson and Prof. Sebastian Kopf, to learn about how they study past conditions on Earth using microbial biomarkers. Specifically, they will discuss how archaeal lipids (isoprenoid GDGTs) and bacterial lipids (branched GDGTs) can be used as paleoclimate proxies using stable isotope analysis and organic biogeochemistry. Each talk will be followed by a conversation with the audience. This event is sponsored by the Dartmouth Society of Fellows and open to the entire Dartmouth community. 

* Contact jeemin.h.rhim@dartmouth.edu for meeting requests with Professors Pearson and/or Kopf.

For more information, contact:
Jeemin Rhim

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.