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The Department of Earth Sciences at Dartmouth College invites applications for the Joseph P. Obering Postdoctoral Fellowship. The Fellowship provides two years of full-time salary and a research allowance, with a third year of support available contingent upon performance and funding. This fellowship supports a scholar who provides synergy with existing research activities within the department and elsewhere at Dartmouth, including the department's core research areas: earth and planetary evolution, surface processes, and ice and climate systems.
Consistent with Dartmouth's philosophy that scholarship and teaching are mutually enriching aspects of academic life, the Obering Fellowship provides a recent PhD recipient the opportunity to pursue independent research and develop a teaching portfolio (1 course per academic year). In addition, the fellowship promotes student and faculty diversity at Dartmouth, and throughout higher education, by supporting underrepresented minority scholars and others with a demonstrated ability to advance educational diversity. Applicants will be selected on the basis of their academic achievement, promise in both research and teaching, and their demonstrated commitment to addressing racial underrepresentation in higher education.
To learn more and apply see this document