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We, the undersigned (72) members of the Department of Earth Sciences at Dartmouth College, strongly support the Paris (Climate) Agreement and urge the United States government to commit to limiting greenhouse gas emissions and containing global warming to below 2°C. As scientists who study the evidence of and mechanisms for climate change, as well as predictions for future change based on different scenarios of greenhouse gas emissions, we stress the need to limit greenhouse gas emissions immediately to minimize detrimental effects of climate change including protracted global temperature rise, more extreme storms, and higher sea level. By limiting its greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with the Paris Agreement, the United States decreases the risks associated with climate change and positions itself to capitalize on opportunities presented by the long-term (since the mid-1800s) decarbonization of global energy production.
We are proud that Dartmouth College on April 22, 2017 released a “Sustainability Road Map” and committed itself to limiting its greenhouse gas emissions consistent with the goals set in the Paris Agreement. We commend President Hanlon in signing the “Affirmation of Leading Research Universities’ Commitment to Progress on Climate Change” on June 5, 2017. We urge Dartmouth to join the group of states, municipalities, businesses and universities (https://www.wearestillin.com/) that will actively engage with the international community to ensure that the emissions standards set in the Paris Agreement are met. We also encourage Dartmouth to promote research and education related to climate, energy and the environment, and to conduct outreach with local, state and national leaders.
June 21st, 2017
Earth Sciences Faculty and Research Faculty (Unanimous support):
Xiahong Feng
Robert L. Hawley
Brian P. Jackson
Meredith A. Kelly
William D. Leavitt
Erich C. Osterberg
Marisa C. Palucis
Devon J. Renock
Carl E. Renshaw
Mukul Sharma
Leslie J. Sonder
Justin V. Strauss
Earth Sciences Emeritus Faculty:
Gary D. Johnson
Earth Sciences Adjunct Faculty:
Francis J. Magilligan
Jonathan M. Winter
Earth Sciences Research Faculty and Staff, Postdoctoral Fellows, and Visiting Faculty:
Ying Cui
Alice M. Doughty
Adriana E. Raudzens Bailey
David G. Ferris
Jennifer A. Howley
Bess G. Koffman
Joshua D. Landis
Daniel E. Lawson
Edward E. Meyer
Eric S. Posmentier
Vivien F. Taylor
Earth Sciences Staff:
Griffin W. Shumway
Earth Sciences Graduate Students:
Livia B. Capaldi
Evan N. Dethier
Lauren B. Farnsworth
Alexandra L. Giese
Ruth Heindel
Huanping Huang
Margaret S. Jackson
Keith M. Kantack
Ben G. Kopec
Gabe Lewis
Mackenzie K. Marti
Jessica McDaniel
Danielle J. Niu
Maura C. O’Brien
Bingjie Ouyang
Trevor F. Partridge
Ji-Hye Seo
Dominic A. Winski
Virginia T. Wala
Alice Zhou
Earth Sciences Undergraduate Students:
Elena E. Bird
Cameron C. Buxton
Victor M. Cabrera
Connor J. Clark
Ana M. Colon
Julianne T. DeAngelo
Janel H. Gaube
Francesca C. Governali
Ursula A. Jongebloed
Tyler D. Kelsall
JoRee V. LaFrance
Julia Liu
Erin A. McConnell
Scott C. Ortlip
Joshua Perez
Cara R. Piske
David Polashenski
Daniel J. Propp
Ethan T. Putnam
Ian A. Raphael
Emma C. Rieb
Rachel R. Rubin
Katherine M. Salamido
Loring Schaible
Mariana J. Webb