Special accommodation for undergraduate EARS and EARV majors due to the COVID-19 pandemic
Any student whose Stretch enrollment was, or will be, impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic (for example, by the cancellation of the 2020 Stretch, or by being denied a spot on a future Stretch due to oversubscription) may substitute ANY three EARS courses numbered between 30 and 69 in lieu of the Stretch.
In other words,
• Any three EARS courses numbered between 30 and 69 (not just field-based courses) may count in lieu of the Stretch (EARS 45, 46, 47) for the EARS or EARV major.
• This flexibility is offered ONLY to students whose Stretch enrollment has been or will be impacted by the pandemic, so must be approved in advance by the chair (prof. Meredith Kelly) or the undergraduate advisor (prof. Leslie Sonder).
• A course used in lieu of the Stretch cannot also satisfy another major requirement.