Erich Osterberg

|Associate Professor
Academic Appointments

Associate Professor of Earth Sciences

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My overarching research objective is to better understand climate change and air pollution and their impacts on people. My specialty is creating long (50-50,000 years) records of climate change and air pollution by collecting and analyzing ice cores from mountain glaciers and ice sheets. I also analyze data from weather stations and climate models to investigate recent changes in rainfall, extreme storms, droughts, wildfires, and the jet stream. I particularly enjoy partnering with local communities to work collaboratively to increase resilience to climate hazards like flooding, heatwaves and drought. 


Fairchild, Room 205
HB 6105


  • B.A. Middlebury College (1999)
  • M.S. University of Otago (2001)
  • Ph.D. University of Maine (2007)

Selected Publications

  • *Graduate Student;   **Undergraduate Student;   #Postdoctoral Fellow

    *Chalif, J.I., *Jongebloed, U.A., Osterberg, E.C., Koffman, B.G., Alexander, B., Winski, D.A., **Polashenski, D.J., Stamieszkin, K., Ferris, D.G., Kreutz, K.J., Wake, C.P., Cole-Dai, J., 2024. Pollution drives multidecadal decline in subarctic methanesulfonic acid. Nature Geoscience. doi: 10.1038/s41561-024-01543-w.

  • *Cockburn, C.F., Winter, J.M., Osterberg, E.C., Magilligan, F.J., 2023. Drivers of future streamflow changes in watersheds across the Northeastern United States. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 59, 894-912. doi: 10.1111/1752-1688.13120.

  • *Kopec, B., Feng, C., Osterberg, E.C., Posmentier, E.S., 2022. Climatological Significance of δD-δ18O Line Slopes from Precipitation, Snow Pits, and Ice Cores at Summit, Greenland. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 127 (21). doi: 10.1029/2022JD037037.

  • #Koffman, B., **Saylor, P., Zhong, R., Sethares, L., Yoder, M., Hanschka, L., Methven, T., Cai, Y., Bolge, L., Longman, J., Goldstein, S., and Osterberg, E.C., 2022. Provenance of pollution Pb and atmospheric dust to northwestern North America. Environmental Science and Technology 56 (18), 13,107-13,118. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.2c03767.

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