Statement from Faculty
The EARS faculty issued a consensus statement recommitting to concrete steps in our plan to enhance Inclusivity, Diversity, and Equity in our department and geociences in general.
[more]The EARS faculty issued a consensus statement recommitting to concrete steps in our plan to enhance Inclusivity, Diversity, and Equity in our department and geociences in general.
[more]Mukul Sharma, a professor of earth sciences, has been awarded fellowships from the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. In winning the Guggenheim award, he joins 175 American and Canadian scientists, scholars in the social sciences and humanities, and writers and artists selected from almost 3,000 applicants.
[more]Welcome to the Spring 2020 online course guide! This webpage is your quick-start guide to Dartmouth Earth Sciences courses that will be offered online during the Spring 2020 academic term. Click this page to see more details. Ears1, Ears3, Ears10, Ears16, Ears33, Ears64, Ears70 and Ears70.
[more]The Department of Earth Sciences at Dartmouth College seeks an outstanding candidate in thearea of ice-sheet dynamics to be the inaugural holder of the endowed Evans FamilyProfessorship. Please click on the heading above for more information.
[more]The Stretch—Dartmouth's storied Earth Sciences off-campus program—takes undergraduates, faculty members, and graduate student teaching assistants into the field on a geological tour of the American West, from the glaciers of the Canadian Rockies to the floor of the Grand Canyon.